Every attempt is made to update the information periodically however, it is each individual's responsibility to know the laws and requirements concerning possession of pistols/revolvers when traveling in New Hampshire or any other state.The Revolver Caddy is a spinning caddy that looks like a Six-Shooter Revolver. The Department of Safety does not make any warranty, express or implied, concerning the accuracy of the information.

The above is being provided for informational purposes only. For example, some states only recognize a license if the person is 21 years of age or older. If you are a New Hampshire Pistol/Revolver License holder traveling to another state and wish to carry a concealed weapon using your New Hampshire license, contact that state directly to confirm their recognition status before carrying concealed weapons there. License holders are subject to the laws of the state they are visiting. Possession of a license does not supersede any other state's laws or license requirements. It is extremely important that all license holders be aware of the laws and requirements of all reciprocating states when visiting/traveling. Please Note: Pistol/Revolver licenses issued by the State of New Hampshire to out-of-state residents are only valid within the State of New Hampshire or within a state that recognizes a New Hampshire non-resident pistol/revolver license. * License holders must be 21 years of age or older. Anyone carrying a firearm in New Hampshire is subject to all other applicable laws including RSA 159:3. The states listed below have indicated that they will recognize New Hampshire resident pistol revolver licenses.